Chi Alpha
at Chico State

Welcome to Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship!
Welcome to the fall semester of 2024!
Our passionate desire is for you to know the only true God, and the Lord Jesus whom He sent! For in knowing Him is life eternal! As we come to know God, we begin to experience the abounding love of Christ and become filled with the fulness of life that comes from Him!
This is our priority; helping others come to know the truth of who God is, how much He loves us and to put our faith in Christ Jesus for salvation! This is all possible with the help and power of the Holy Spirit!
If you have any questions, please reach out to us, we would be glad to assist anyway we can.
Hope to see you soon!
The Lord Jesus be with you!
Chi Alpha Objectives
Interceding for students so that strongholds of evil are demolished by God’s power!
Frontline evangelism through personal and group evangelism.
Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, guiding students into the love of God, His forgiveness and acceptance in order for them to become established in Him so that nothing can separate them from God.
Helping them develop a Biblical understanding of belonging to God and to the body of Christ by the witness of the Holy Spirit, creating a peaceful mindset.
Making disciples through Bible studies, weekly worship, one on one, work shops, ministry and prayer.
Organizing mission trips in California, the USA and to the nations. This would include working with other Chi Alpha groups to establish a presence on other campuses within California and beyond. The rescued become rescuers by the power of God!